We specialise in the development of elastomers for application in the Automotive, Construction, Foodstuff, Agriculture, Chemical, Timber, Waste & Recycling, Shipping and Engineering industries.
We offer rubber sheet in thicknesses from 1mm up to 150mm in different hardness of between 30 and 90 º Shore. A range of different finish options are available, for example; smooth on both sides, one or both sides with fabric impression, profiled with rhombuses, squares, circles, etc … to adapt to any requirement.
We formulate and can prepare all kinds of rubber compounds over a wide range:

NR natural rubber sourced from Southeast Asia
The natural rubber presents excellent mechanical, electrical and dynamic properties and good resistance to acids, salts and bases.
It presents a very wide range of hardness, from 30 to 90 º Shore, and its field of operating temperatures can be as high as 90ºC.
Note: Natural rubber must not be used in the presence of fats, hydrocarbons, vegetable oils or mineral oils.
SBR synthetic rubber, copolymer of styrene and Butadiene
SBR is a synthetic substitute to natural rubber with a high degree of similarity.
It presents greater resistance to higher temperature and has superior aging characteristics. Its field of operating temperature reaches to 110 º C.
SBR has poorer properties for mechanical applications for being less resistant tearing and abrasion.
It chemical resistance is generally good to inorganic chemical products, but not suited to organic compounds.
It is not suitable for use with oxidising acid and mineral acid products or environments.
Note: Its use is not recommended for applications outdoors, due to its limited UV light and ozone resistance.
NBR nitrile rubber, copolymer of butadiene and acrylonitrile
NBR rubber presents excellent properties of resistance to oils and good resistance in the presence of hydrocarbons.
Its field of temperature operation is increased to 120 º C, overcoming the SBR in this aspect, and presents good mechanical properties.
Its resistance to inorganic chemical products is good in general, with some exceptions such as antioxidant agents and chlorine..
CR NEOPRENE rubber, homopolymer of clorobutadiene or chloroprene
The CR compound presents excellent mechanical properties, has good resistance to temperature and is stable in the outdoors and abrasion resistant.
It has the property of being fireproof.
Its operating temperature range rises to 125 º C.
EPDM, ethylene propylene diene rubber
EPDM presents superior UV and aging characteristics and many chemical corrosive products.
Excellent behaviour before the mineral acids, alcohols and detergents.
Its field of temperature rises even up to 125 º C.
Its chemical resistance is generally good to inorganic products.
Note: EPDM should not be used in the presence of fats, hydrocarbons, vegetable and mineral oils.