Article in the magazine
“Horizonte Minero”
After the exhibition and great success of Siban Peosa in the mining congress in Lima (Perú) the 27 October, the specialized mining journal “Horizonte Minero” has dedicated an article to the developments presented there.

The presentation of the Beltsiflex® SRC-35 belt was hightighted in the article, because of it´s superior characteristics, high abrasion resistance, even in the most hostile work conditions. Increasing the lifespan of some belts from 22-25 to 90 days, that means, more than triple the life of the competitors.
Rubén Andrés, our colleage in the technical department, is the responsible person for this great success in South America, especially in Peru, where the exhibition took place.
We hope that the Beltsiflex® SRC-35 continues satisfying more and more customers and generates this great success in many other countries.
You can download the article in our website. For more information about the magazine, take a look at the website of